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PJ Library  and PJ Our Way

PJ Library is quite simple. Each month Jewish children and their families receive a beautiful book about some aspect of Jewish culture or tradition.

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Kids from birth to age 8 receive a picture book and through PJ Our Way kids ages 9-12 go online each month and choose a comic book or graphic novel.

Beyond books, PJ Library and PJ Our Way brings families together through weekly Shabbat programs, holiday events, volunteering opportunities, playgroups and get-togethers. Click here to see what’s coming up.

The books are a gift from many generous philanthropists and Jewish community organizations in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Currently, PJ Library sends more than 125,000 Jewish children’s books each month to families with kids from birth to b’nei mitzvah age in hundreds of communities. 

Jewish for Good, in partnership with Beth El Synagogue, Judea Reform Congregation, Kehillah Synagogue, and the Lerner Jewish Community Day School, is excited to bring this special gift to your home!

To sign up kids birth through age 8 for PJ Library click here. To sign up tweens ages 8 through 12 for PJ Our Way click here.

For more info contact Madeline Seltman at mseltman@jewishforgood.org.